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#SDP Pain Point:

1. Are your assessors achieving their assessment schedules (on time, in budget and accurately)?


2. Do you learners receive immediate feedback on their assessment with their results and any remedial action?


3. Can you immediately track the assessment % of achievement for each learner, batch of learners, or learners assigned to an assessor?

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P4PSA Solution

​​1.​ Tracking your Assessors assessment schedules.

Decreasing of time in tracking each assessor's assessment schedule​


P4P enables you to track which learners have been assessed, when, and by whom. This is immediate so if your assessor should have assessed a batch on Saturday, on Monday morning you will know if that work was done. This then impacts the assessment process as the learners receive their feedback and the call center tracks their next steps.

​​2. Assessment completion feedback (results, remedial next steps)

Reduced from at least 2 weeks to immediate per learner.


P4P enables immediate communication with the learner, assessor admins and other players (during and after the programme) on their assessment results of any remedial action. ​
The Portfolio is now in a safe and secure e-Environment and accessible. Your assessors no longer need to wait, for the portfolios to be posted, drive to your offices, bill you for petrol, live assessment days, etc. This is all now digital.

3. Learner assessment % achievement: ​
Immediately Updated 100% accurate​


P4P enables the #SDP to do what the SETA’s require, and all profitable businesses do – product analysis. However, for smaller #SDPs this is too out of reach as it required too much time for the admin. The actual review of what the learners thought of the programme, assessment, and support. You can now review how your company is performing and where your areas for change in your programmes are. Offering this as a Value add to your clients. â€‹

(c) Passion4Performace International and Affiliates webpage. â€‹


eAssessment and ePortfolio for the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolution

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