1. Do you have an e-P.O.E. storage offering that holds the governance of assessment. (i.e. not drop box/OneDrive/e-Learning platforms).
2. Are you able to see what evidence content is in each learner's portfolio with a click (cv, Id, enrollment forms, videos, documents etc..)
3. Are your learners' portfolios stored in POPIA compliant centers for 5 years?
4. Can the right roles access the Portfolio immediately as needed. (Admin, assessor, learner, internal moderator evidence collector…)
P4PSA Solution
​1. e-Portfolio accessibility by all role-players
​Decreasing of time in tracking each assessor's assessment schedule.
The shift to digital is larger than most people think, so P4P has been created based on the paper module. Mapping the digital experience with how the Portfolio of Evidence is engagement with without technology. This therefore continues to prove a smoother transition and decreases adoption time. ​
With the users reducing frustrations the learning curve is smooth, simple, and effective. We are making access to all the relevant paperwork, evidence, and reporting easier and more fulfilling, providing you with confidence when you need to access the e-Portfolio for your specific reason.​​​
​2. Managing the evidence (new types/old types/all types)
As P4P leads the Assessment ecosystem into the 4IR, we are working with our clients to explore and convert their evidence criteria into a digitized friendly outcome including learner profiles, assignments, exam results, audio exams, assessments, videos of skills, and any other documents relevant for tracking, storing and archiving the learner achievements and qualifications. Whether you customize your assessment content or use off-the-shelf programmes (our R&D teams are listening, learning, and applying what is working to ensure the most amazing evidence creation experience for your learners): P4P offers maximum visibility, accessibility, demonstration, and reporting so that you can optimize your results.
3. Maintaining Evidence (Assessment of evidence shift - Version Control)
It is important for all the role-players to be able to access, update reviews, remove or simply show the evidence when necessary; be it for assessment, moderation, or Job application. The evidence must be Authentic and truly about you, related to real work – and that must be safely maintained, without credibility questions. Working with your teams and using our technology will ensure that the evidence is sufficient and able to match the requirements of the assessment standards. The evidence will not expire, and you will be able to show it to all role-players for years to come – however, your skills might need sharpening every couple of years.
The eAssessment Process
Access to the digital and / or paper based pre-assessment meeting - captured automatically.
Access to the e-Portfolios (video, audio, text, pdf etc…) for assessment, remedial action and results.
Access to the smart Version Control of all e-Portfolios’
Assistance of managing the remedial actions, and evidence.
Internal Moderators
Immediate access for the Internal Moderator to ALL learners e-P.O.E’s and reports, in the batch,
Enabling best practice Internal Moderation.
e-Portfolios are stored for 5 years.