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#SDP Pain Point:

1. Are you using more than 1 technology (or excel page) to track learner assessment completion per module?


2. Are you using a different technology (or excel page/book) to track the learner's assessment completion per Programme?


3. Are you using a different technology (or excel page/book) to track which learners have attended which programmes? (duplication and all)


4. When reporting for EE on assessment completion, are you accessing all these different pages and then creating a report? 


P4PSA Solution

​1. Assessor and Admin Tracking PER LEARNER MODULE


2. Learner Tracking


3. Reporting ​


4. Resource Tracking and review ​​

The whole skills development world is now saying “It's time to use technology to align with the SAQA Act and for #SDP to make e-Portfolios compliant with the assessment process. ​

Built specifically for learners, #SDP’s, SETA’s and the QCTO to track and manage the end-to-end compliance of the assessment process, P4P provides a Single point of Access and alleviates the compounding and updating new legislation that is snowing everyone under what they need to accomplish to provide a service to their end user.​

The Assessment process is another headache – that p4P has solved. We ensure you have a single point of access of the entire assessment process, from learners, e-portfolios, assessors, moderators, verifyers, administrators… single place single storage, access for everyone.​

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The eAssessment Process

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A directional sign that I liked whilst i
A directional sign that I liked whilst i
A directional sign that I liked whilst in Southampton.  Sometimes it is the simple things
A directional sign that I liked whilst i
A directional sign that I liked whilst i
  • Administrators

  • Learners

  • Assessors


Single Platform: for the completing, tracking and storing of this part of the assessment process.

  • Administrator

  • Learners

  • Assessors


Single platform for all e-Assessment and e-Portfolio and Assessment completion Reports.

  • Administrator

  • Learners

  • Assessors


P4P is the only platform required to inform the learners and assessor of all work and updated

  • Administrator

  • Internal Moderators



P4P only platform required to inform the internal moderator of the batch of learner and conduct the  min 25% moderation

  • Administrator

  • Verifiers



P4P only platform required to provide the Verifiers access to the Internally Moderated batch of learners

(c) Passion4Performace International and Affiliates webpage. â€‹


eAssessment and ePortfolio for the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolution

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