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What is system integration ?

System integration involves connecting various platforms—such as e-Learning Learning Management Systems (LMS) and other learning technologies—to create a seamless user experience. In our case, we integrate these components into the P4P platform, allowing our clients’ systems to function as a unified whole.

Why System Integration Matters:

  • Enhanced Productivity: By integrating systems, we streamline processes, reduce manual effort, and boost efficiency.

  • Quality Improvement: Integrated systems facilitate consistent data exchange, leading to better learning outcomes.

  • Information Flow: The ultimate goal is to enable different learning systems to communicate effectively, ensuring smooth information flow.

In summary, system integration bridges gaps, harmonizes processes, and empowers a cohesive learning environment. 🌟

P4P has structured 3 levels of integration, applied in an Agile approach, and based on the user experience, user behaviours and business case, each one different per client.

Level 1


 Just single sign on (SSO), combining Username and password links, where learners can move between P4P platform and the clients e-Learning / LMS system only logging in once​

Level 1

Level 2


 At this integration, we aligned the relevant user details to be passed between the platforms and system updates based on the agreed master platform and slave platform.  

Level 2

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Level 3


 This is where the achievements of knowledge tests, formative assessment, Smiley sheets and learner achievements completed by the learner n the LMS / e-Learning platform is passed into the e-P.O.E. folder of the learner as a user in P4P. Fully integrated engagement for the learner

Level 3


(c) Passion4Performace International and Affiliates webpage. â€‹


eAssessment and ePortfolio for the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolution

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