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Policies & Legislation

Guidelines, Processes and Policies

P4P is focused on enabling the e-assessment of learning through digitizing the portfolio into an e-Portfolio, this of course cuts through the practical (low tech) assessment principles. In order to offer you safety in converting to our award-winning platform, this is a list of the legislation that we are aligned with. (It is not exhaustive, but very relevant to your assessment process.​)

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1. Data Load Specifications for AQPs and SDPs V1.4 – effective Nov 2019​

2. eLearning for Registered Qualifications on the OQSF – Standards Guidelines​

3. Foundational Learning Competence Framework 2015​

4. Foundational Learning Competence Framework 2015​​


5. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Implementation Policy​

6. Assessment of Qualifications Policy (See play list)​

7. E-assessment of Qualifications & Part Qualifications on the OQSF Policy (revised)​

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This is a growing area, and we satisfy the assessment, e-assessment and RPL polies of all 14 SETAS that we have reviewed 

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(c) Passion4Performace International and Affiliates webpage. â€‹


eAssessment and ePortfolio for the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolution

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